Senin, 27 Februari 2012

quiz everiday


    How many three-digit numbers satisfy all of the following:
    The sum of the tens digit and the units digit is 9
    The number is even
    The number is a multiple of 3
    At BMW Secondary School, there are exactly 1000 students and 1000 lockers. The lockers are numbered in order from 1 to 1000. On April Fool’s Day the students played the following prank. The first student to enter the building opened every locker. The second student closed every locker that had an even number. The third student changed every third locker, closing those that were open and opening those that were closed. The fourth student changed every fourth locker, and so on. After all 1000 students passed through the locker room, how many locker were open?
    At BMW Secondary School, there are exactly 1000 students and 1000 lockers. The lockers are numbered in order from 1 to 1000. On April Fool’s Day the students played the following prank. The first student to enter the building opened every locker. The second student closed every locker that had an even number. The third student changed every third locker, closing those that were open and opening those that were closed. The fourth student changed every fourth locker, and so on. After all 1000 students passed through the locker room, how many students changed locker 432?
    In one game of darts, 9, 7, and 3 are the only possible scores on one throw. What is the smallest number of throws needed to score exactly 31 points?
    The symbol 3! means 3×2×1, which equals 6. Similarly, 5! means 5×4×3×2×1, which equals 120, and so on. Suppose that N! ends in exactly 3 zeroes after fully multiplying out. What is the smallest value that N can have? (Note: 120 ends in 1 zero, 10030000 ends in 4 zeroes)
    Find the number of even positive divisors of 9!.
    In how many consecutive zeroes does 2008! end?
    Find all ordered triples of positive integers (a,b,c) such that
    By placing a 3 at both ends of a number, its value is increased by 34215. What is the sum of the digits of the original number?
    It is given that a is a prime number and b is an odd number. If a^2+b^2=125, and b>0, find a and b.
    The display of a digital clock is of the form MM : DD : HH : mm, that is, Month : Day : Hour : minute. The display ranges are
    Month (MM) from 01 to 12
    Day (DD) from 01 to 31
    Hour (HH) from 00 to 23
    Minute (mm) from 00 to 59
How many times in the year 2008 does the display show a palindrome? (A palindrome is a number which is read the same forward as backward. Examples, 12 : 31 : 13 : 21 and 01 : 02 : 20 : 10)

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